One shot interview with Peter Dench

June 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

one shot interview with Peter Dench



What made you push the shutter button to capture this image?


It had been quite a chaotic day photographing at Royal Ascot. I was a little tired and very thirsty. I saw this man relaxing on the cool cut grass with cold crisp beer. Part of me wanted to be him, all I could do was photograph him.


Is this image part of a wider project, if so what is the projects focus?


The image was shot on assignment in 2017 for The Sunday Times magazine for a feature on the English summer season. The pictures from the assignment get absorbed into my wider reportage on the theme which was collectively published in a zine by Fistful of Books



Why is this image special to you?


It’s special for a few reasons. Right now because all the events of the summer season have been coronavirus-cancelled, it’s a reminder of the privilege of being able to do the job that I love. It’s also special as I got to meet the man in the image. John came to the exhibition launch in London, a copy of the print now hangs in his home - it thrills me when people reach out.


Is there any photography books that inspired you to capture this image?


I always have a constant swirl of books influencing what I do going back to Tom Wood’s, Looking For Love, Twice Told Tales by Greg Leach and the archive of Homer Sykes.


What camera are you currently using?


An Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II which this image was taken on with a M.12-40mm F2.8 lens.


Please tell us about yourself


Photographer, writer, presenter, curator & Olympus Visionary

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