An interview with Giuseppe Andretta
An interview with Giuseppe Andretta
RH: What attracted and inspired you to your current documentary project? A: I was attracted by the violence of self-harming tcharmil teenager in Morocco and when I decide the editorial project as a fanzine I was inspired by punk fanzines and the punk culture because I saw some similariEes between the tcharmil appearance and the punk ground- breaking culture in the ‘70s
RH: Can you talk us through the planning stage for your project? A: When I realised that the subject was interesEng for developing a photo project I started to show the photos to some friends and pho- tographers just to have an opinion and a different point of view. This is why it turned out that way, RH: Is there anything you wish you had done differently? A: from the photography side no, but I am very sorry for not having taken any video.
Implementation and Completion
RH: How have you dealt with any challenges and difficulties within your project? A: I’ve tried to face everything with calm and paEence the biggest challenge was to get accepted by the gang, they were much younger than me. I tried to be as much as I could similar to them, I did the same thing they did and be in the same place sharing my experience.
RH: How long do your projects tend to take from start to finish? A: I am not a professional photographer so this is my second project. The first one last 2 years and the second one 5 years but one was lost for my health problems
Editing and Sequencing RH: Do have several images to edit of one fleeting moment or do you have one well-constructed precise image that you have captured? A: I use to shoot several images and then select and edit only one.
RH: Within the editing stages, have you felt the project has taken on a different narrative than first envisaged? A: Yes, in the beginning the project was considered for a color print exhibiEon and it ended up in a black and white fanzine
Tips and hints RH: What would you recommend for people starting their own photographic project? A: Just to find a great and interestng subject, no matter which camera or equipment you use.
RH: Does the camera really matter? A: No! RH: Any books you would recommend reading to get the creativity started? A: Wow there are so many photography books I have and I think it will be obvious to suggest. I think that the best ones are: “Gipsies” by Josef Koudelka and “The Americans” by Robert Frank. But I will sug- gest to ‘deviate’ from any standard point of view, I suggest to be ex- tremely curious in every place and situaton.
RH: Would you recommend a*ending photography workshops? A: Yes, they are very helpful if the teacher is a photographer that you like and has teaching skills! Some great photographers are good pro- fessionals but very bad teachers.
street photography
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